
US Fish and Wildlife Service

Page history last edited by lesman@... 12 years, 11 months ago

US Fish and Wildlife's Ecological Services works to protect and restore fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats.  To accomplish their mission, the USFWS monitors a variety of parameters and indices listed in the table below.  The corresponding methods for field sampling and laboratory analysis are either described or linked to published documents.


Additional references on the development of biological indicators for various resource types (plants, amphibians, macroinvertebrates, and fish) in Indiana are also available.


USFWS contact:

current contact unavailable


Protocol information updated: January 2012

Type of


Parameter or

Monitoring Method



**We are actively seeking to link to electronic copies of these documents.  If you have copies, or know where copies can be obtained, of documents NOT currently linked, please let us know**



Field Location Selection

Reconnaissance Procedures for Initial Visit to Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Sites


Site Verification form



Electrofishing Method

Electrofishing Assessment Protocol for Fish Assemblages in Great Lake Coastal Wetlands



Fyke Net Method

Fyke Net Assessment Methods for Fish Assemblages in Great Lake Coastal Wetlands

Traveling Zone Method

Methods for the Collection of Fish Assemblage Information based on Electrofishing and the Traveling Zone Study Design

Data Quality Objectives

Sampling and Data Requirements for Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities (pg 89)


Standard Operating Procedures for the Rapid Assessment of Fish Communities




(Open  Channel)

ASTM D5389





Indiana Index of

Biotic Integrity (IBI)

Great Lakes Nearshore and Coastal Wetlands

A Plant Index of Biotic Integrity for Drowned River Mouth Coastal Wetlands of Lake Michigan


Classification and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands for Use in Development of Indices of Biological Integrity


Development of an Activity Trap Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity for Lake Michigan


Development of a D-net Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity for Lake Michigan Drowned River Mouth Wetlands


Evaluation of Great Lakes Nearshore Coastal Wetlands: with Emphasis on Development of Watershed Biotic Indicators and Status


Evaluation of Great Lakes Nearshore Coastal Wetlands: with Emphasis on Development of Watershed Biotic Indicators and Status. IAG: Supplemental Macroinvertebrate Study


Guide to Appropriate Metric Selection for Calculating the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for Indiana Large and Great Rivers, Inland Lakes, and Great Lakes nearshore


Standard Operating Procedures for Evaluation of Great Lakes Nearshore Coastal Wetlands: with Emphasis on Development of Watershed Biotic Indicators and Status


Development, Calibration and Validation of a Littoral Zone Plant Index of Biotic Integrity (PIBI) for Lacustrine Wetlands


Development of Fish Community Reference Conditions for Dunal, Palustrine Wetlands along the Southern Shore of Lake Michigan

Guide to Appropriate Metric Selection for Calculating the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for Indiana Large and Great Rivers, Inland Lakes, and Great Lakes nearshore


Lake and Reservoir Bioassessment and Biocriteria: Technical Guidance Document

Large and Great Rivers

Applying an Index of Biotic Integrity Based on Great River Fish Communities:  Considerations in Sampling and Interpretation


Biological Criteria Development for Large Rivers with an Emphasis on an Assessment of the White River Drainage, Indiana (6 MB)


Development, Calibration, and Validation of an Index of Biotic Integrity for the Wabash River (12 MB)


Development of a Multimetric Index for Assessing the Biological Condition of the Ohio River


Guide to Appropriate Metric Selection for Calculating the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for Indiana Large and Great Rivers, Inland Lakes, and Great Lakes nearshore


Development of Index of Biotic Integrity Expectations for the Wabash River

(14 MB) 



Macroinvertebrate Communities

Classification and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands for Use in Development of Indices of Biological Integrity (link to chapter in IAG)


Development of an Activity Trap Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity for Lake Michigan


Development of a D-net Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity for Lake Michigan Drowned River Mouth Wetlands


Application of the Index of Biotic Integrity to Evaluate Water Resource Integrity in Freshwater Ecosystems


Development of Index of Biotic Integrity Expectations for the Ecoregions of Indiana.

 I. Central Corn Belt Plain (5 MB)

II. Huron-Erie Lake Plain (6 MB)

III. Northern Indiana Till Plain (6 MB)

IV. Interior River Lowland

V. Eastern Corn Belt Plain (6 MB)


Standard Operating Procedures for the Assessment of Streams in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion with Emphasis on the Development of Biological Indicators and Status




Development, Calibration and Validation of a Littoral Zone Plant Index of Biotic Integrity (PIBI) for Lacustrine Wetlands

Development of Fish Community Reference Conditions for Dunal, Palustrine Wetlands along the Southern Shore of Lake Michigan

Development of Multimetric Indices of Biotic Integrity for Riverine and Palustrine Wetland Plant Communities along Southern Lake Michigan


Modification of an Index of Biotic Integrity for Vernal Ponds and Small Palustrine Wetlands, Using Amphibians, Crayfish and Fish Assemblages along Southern Lake Michigan

Using Plant Communities as Indicators of Environmental Disturbance with Emphasis on Development of an Index of Biological Integrity

Validation of an Index of Biotic Integrity for Evaluating Dunal Palustrine Wetlands with Emphasis on the Grand Calumet Lagoons


Acid-Volatile Sulfide

Acid-Volume Sulfides (AVS)


Analysis of Acid-Volatile Sulfide in Soils and Sediment (AVS)


Determination of Anions in Water by Wet Chemistry Procedures


(and Stable Carbon Isotopes)

Determination of carbon, nitrogen, and/or stable C and N isotopes by isotope ratio mass spectroscopy

Grain Size

Analysis of Grain Size Distribution in Soil and Sediment Samples (G3)


Grain Size


Analysis of Inorganic Arsenic (As) in Tissue and Sediment Samples


Analysis of Inorganic Species and Organic Arsenic in Tissues and Sediment Samples


Analysis of Mercury by Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (CVAAS)


Analysis of Tetra Ethyl Lead


Analysis of Trace Metals by Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (AFS)


Analysis of Trace Metals in Biological Tissue, Soils, and Sediments by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA)


Analysis of Trace Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS)


Analysis of Trace Metals by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAAS)


Analysis of Trace Metals in Water Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS)


Analysis of Trace Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP)


Determination of Mercury in Tissue and Sediment


Determination of Mercury in Water


Determination of Methyl Mercury in Water


Digestion of Water Samples for “Total Recoverable” Metals (other than Mercury)

Digestion of Water, Soil, Sediment and Biological Tissue for Mercury Analysis


Methyl Mercury in Tissue


Preconcentration of Water Samples for Trace Element Analysis


Preparation and Analysis of Tissue and Sediment Samples for Methyl Mercury (MeHg)


Sediment Trace Metals by INAA


  Simultaneously Extracted Metals (SEM) - Sediment


Tissue, Sediment and Water Mercury


Tissue Trace Metals by INAA


Total Cyanide (Sediment, Tissues or Water)


Trace Metal (except Hg)-Water


Trace Metal-Sediment


Trace Metal SEM-Sediment


Trace Metal-Tissue

Moisture Content

Moisture Content of Sediment, Soil, and Tissue Samples


(and Stable Nitrogen Isotopes)

Determination of carbon, nitrogen, and/or stable C and N isotopes by isotope ratio mass spectroscopy


Nitrogen in Tissue, Soil, and Sediment


Determination of Perchlorate in Water

Total Organic Carbon


Analysis of Soils and Sediments for Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Determination of Total Suspended Solids



Activity Trap Method

Activity Trap Assessment Protocol for Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Great Lake Coastal Wetlands

D-Frame Method

Invertebrate D-Frame Sampling Procedures for Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands

Data Quality Objectives

Sampling and Data Requirements for Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities (pg 89)


Biomass (Total Wet  Weight)

Biomass Determination

Chlorophylls and Other Plant Pigments

Chlorophylls and Other Plant Pigments

Oil and Grease

Oil and Grease

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Pesticides and Metabolites

Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons/Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Water (Water Organic)

Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metabolites in Bile

Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and M,P,O – Xylene By Gas Chromotography/Mass Spectrometry (Btex)

Determination of PBDE’s by GC/MS

Determination of Pesticides and PCBs by GC/MS

Determination of Triazines by GC/MS

Dioxin/Furan Analysis

Hydrazine Analysis in Sediments

Organophosphate Pesticides – Tissues

Organophosphate Pesticides – Sediments

Sediments Organic/Pesticide


Tissue Organics


EPA Method for Semivolatiles

Total Organic Carbon

Total Organic Carbon-Coulometrics

Total Organic Carbon-Leco

Total Volatile Solids

Percent Total Volatile Solids


EPA Method for Volatiles





Coefficient of Conservatism

(CC) Value



Floristic Quality

Index (FQI)

 Floristic Quality Assessment in Indiana: The Concept, Use, and Development of Coefficients of Conservatism. 

Plant Index of Biotic

Integrity (PIBI)

A Plant Index of Biotic Integrity for Drowned River Mouth Coastal Wetlands of Lake Michigan


Development, Calibration and Validation of a Littoral Zone Plant Index of Biotic Integrity (PIBI) for Lacustrine Wetlands

Development of Multimetric Indices of Biotic Integrity for Riverine and Palustrine Wetland Plant Communities along Southern Lake Michigan





Qualitative Habitat

Evaluation Index (QHEI)

Methods for the Assessment of Habitat using the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI)


 Ohio EPA QHEI Field Sheet

 PHY-HAB Index 

EMAP - Physical Habitat Method





A local scale in situ approach for stressor identification of biologically impaired aquatic systems.





Thermal discharge plume


Automatic Device Method

Methods for the Quantification of Thermal Discharge Plumes based on the Placement of Automatic Recording Devices (based on Zaraban, 2000)

Transect Method

Methods for the Instantaneous Measurement of Thermal Discharge Plumes Based on Transect Methods 



ASTM 2320


ASTM 2510

Dissolved Oxygen



(mg/L CaCO3)

ASTM 2340

Oxidation Reduction Potential

ASTM 2580


ASTM D1293-99(2005)

Total Dissolved Solids

ASTM 2540


ASTM 2130

Water Temperature

ASTM 2550



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